Experience the future of last-mile delivery with Green Your Route, an innovative logistics platform developed through a multidisciplinary approach. Witness the delivery of a smart, integrated green vehicle routing platform to 5 SMEs in 3 EU member states. Our goal is to address eco-requirements, enhance operational cost efficiency, and promote eco-efficient sustainable freight transport in urban regions.
Minimize GHG emissions in Europe with GreenYourMove, our co-modal journey application. Our multi-modal transport planner considers all urban public transportation modes, offering environmentally friendliest routes. Discover alternative routes combining various transport modes for a sustainable and efficient journey, with emissions calculated for different scenarios.
Real-Time Air Quality Insights:
Explore our air quality monitoring network across Greek cities. GreenYourAir provides citizens with immediate updates, ensuring you stay informed about the air you breathe in real time.
Revolutionize your last-mile delivery logistics with Green Your Freight. Our innovative approach maximizes vehicle efficiency, minimizes environmental impact, and creates a sustainable last-mile logistics platform. Join us in transforming freight practices and solving transportation-related issues for a greener tomorrow.